Not a lot worth blogging about happened through June, and the weather didn't make for exciting outdoor activities. Tony Morris mentioned the shortage of moths in his St Margaret's blog, and it has been the same here. Apply this shortage to insects generally and it's little wonder breeding birds are struggling. "Our" Swallows seem to have taken a long time to bring off their first brood which grew through June and flew at last on the 4th July (cue the Star Spangled Banner). They took to perching on the washing line and adjacent 'phone wire, so no washing could be hung that day. They are now storming about in a mixed group with some young from (presumably) New Townsend Farm and having a great time with the flush of insects now it's got hot
The annual trip to Richebourg for the Battle of the Boar's Head commemoration was blessed with fine weather. Philip came for the experience and throroughly enjoyed the weekend away. Unfortunately there was a contingent from Worthing Rotary Club and Town Council this year who insisted on making yet another speech and bought along their own translator in spite of Julie (John Baines' widow) specifically asking them not to do so at the cemetery but rather, as they were a civic group, at the Mayor's reception. Their refusal to accede to this request and hi-jack the ceremony was nothing short of disgraceful. Even so, the dignity and meaning of the ceremony overcame this slight
Quite why all these extra wreaths from Worthing needed to be there escaped me - perhaps they ought to remember their war dead at the Worthing War Memorial?
Philip had a camera and these pics are thanks to him
The view from Philip's bedroom window in Bethune
On Sunday we went down to Vimy Ridge mainly to see the new visitor centre and show Philip the reconstructed trenches, which he enjoyed
Lunch was a picnic at the cemetery just outside Thelus with delicious sandwiches made fresh for us at the little Boulangerie in Neuville St Vaast
Earlier in June on a rare bright (tho' cold) day we watched Matthew play in a cricket match for the school. I was lucky to catch this wonderful action shot of his bowling. At 7+ years old there's plenty of time to work on his technique, but no doubting his determination even now
and there was a steam past at Martin Mill to bring back memories of the 'arrer
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